You can embed your live stream in your own website or web app by simply copy/pasting the corresponding iframe embed code in your HTML. This integration method allows the player and the media content to be powered by Frontlayer in a completely white-label mode.
The player code is hosted and periodically updated at the platform level. The media content is encoded, optimized and streamed from our global distribution network (CDN). However, there is no visual reference to Frontlayer when embedding the live stream, and visitors perceive it as a standard media component of your own website or web app, under your own domain name.
The process for embedding a live stream is as follows:
1. From the main "Live Streaming" section of the web portal, locate the box labeled "Embed". You will see 2 codes: "Web player" and "Direct link". In this case, we will be using "Web player", which is the iframe embed code for your live stream. The "Direct link" code can be used as a test URL to access your published live stream from any web browser.
2. Copy the "Web player" code and paste it in your website's HTML code, right where you would like your live stream to be displayed. The "Web player" code behaves like a regular HTML component, more specifically an iframe. By default, you will notice that the code references 560px width X 315px height dimensions.
You can manually customize these variables when pasting the code in your own website to match the desired dimensions. When using custom dimensions, we recommend trying to maintain a 16:9 aspect ratio, which is the default proportional relation between the width and the height for your live stream.
If you will be placing the "Web player" code inside a parent div whith predefined dimensions, you can also set the code's "width" variable to "100%", and remove the "height" variable. By doing this, the embedded live stream will automatically scale to the dimensions of the parent div.
Below is an example demonstrating the integration of a test live stream in a very simple web page with minimal HTML code, showing both the HTML code and the result: